Can I have on aj 2 foxes,2 raccoons,5 prize claw,20 fox plushies,1 lion,25 jungle gyms,5 phantom sets,25 fox sets,1 tree house,10 phantom plushies,20 space sets,all wallpapers,all floorings,20 dj sets,30 dico balls any kind,2 ice sets,1 horse and that's all what I need!!!😷 Username:Torchick14 Plus it's on moble my aj account Lol
Can I have on aj 2 foxes,2 raccoons,5 prize claw,20 fox plushies,1 lion,25 jungle gyms,5 phantom sets,25 fox sets,1 tree house,10 phantom plushies,20 space sets,all wallpapers,all floorings,20 dj sets,30 dico balls any kind,2 ice sets,1 horse and that's all what I need!!!😷
Plus it's on moble my aj account